There are two days left for me to enjoy at home
February 25, 2005 at 13:05
I start to be a little mirthless now, when can I come back? In these four years, I haven't tried the feeling that to miss my family for a long time. But now... I don't want to go indeed.
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I've seen the film - "The Incredibles"
February 22, 2005 at 18:25
In this film, I love the people's sensation, scene, bugbears. The scene is so sublime.
Photo gallery for The Incredibles:
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My younger brother's three nice photos
February 18, 2005 at 21:50
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February 18, 2005 at 19:27
The progenitive ability of peafowl fishes is doughty. Popularly, A female fish can propagate 13 to 40 young fishes every 40 days. So my peafowl fishes became more and more. I stopped feeding fishes in 1999, because I was so busy. However, I loved the fishes very much indeed.
Aliang and his dad always feeded peafowl fishes during these 9 years. This photo below was shot by me yesterday, these are Aliang's peafowl fishes.
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How much time to write a weblog
February 15, 2005 at 18:04
Usually, I spend 30 or 60 minutes at least on writing a weblog article. I feel it's significative when write the weblogs. Weblog can help me recall what did I think and what did I do today or formerly and can discuss with you on the internets.
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Shut down when insert the earphone?
February 13, 2005 at 15:36
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Insert the earphone that needn't to shut down computer
February 13, 2005 at 10:25
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For the first time, shut down your computer.
The 3.5 mm plug is inserted to your computer.
Then connect them with your earphone like this:
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If you want to pull the earphone out or insert it, first you can pull out the 2 audio plugs. (Such the photo below, the black plug and red plug are audio plugs)
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Why do you need to shut down the computer when insert the earphone?
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New printer could just print for 3 or 4 lines
February 11, 2005 at 15:43
I tried to uninstall and install the driver of printer for 3 times until 1:30 at night. The second day, I reinstall my Windows Operation System again, the problem remained the same.
The mind boggled.
At last, I change to connect to another USB port, the trouble had been untied. Because I connect the data-line of printer to the USB extended line. If you don't use the USB extended line, your printer may work in the course of nature.
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February 09, 2005 at 17:48
2. AbsoluteMP3 Recorder: Record sounds and music
AbsoluteMP3Recorder is one of the best recorder softwares thus far! Because the Windows Recorder just can record for 60 seconds. Several recorder softwares have noises.
Excellences of Absolute MP3 Recorder: simple and convenient operation, without record time limit, you can record for ".mp3" or ".wav" directly, the sound quality is very standard and the file cubage is small. There are diverse sound qualities for you to record.
Plseae click here to search this software
3. For downloading
Net Transport, Netants, Flashget.
4. Cool Edit Pro: Audio maker
A great software that record your singing or process music and audio files.
Plseae click here to search this software
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What do you like the most to enjoy your life?
February 08, 2005 at 12:19
I have listened to the popular music from 1992, and I started to sing since 1994. Today, I can sing more than 260 songs adroitly in the parties with my friends. Because I was always persevering in learning singing. Average a year, I could learn 30 new songs. And I have listened more than 5000 songs earnestly so far. I know, if you want to sing a song adroitly, at the very least you must practice it for 100 times or 500 times. If someone says that he can't sing, the reason is this.
Computer games is very excellent, I like it very much. But these years, I'm so busy. My work is design, I love my work instead of computer games. I was very interested in hardware for a long time once apon a time. Now, when I'm free, I like writing for my personal website.
In truth, movie is one of the best enjoyments. I like the science fiction films. Have seen these films: "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes" ,"The Fifth Element", "The Incredibles"? What a egregious effect! I love the people's sensation, scene, bugbears.
Swimming is a kind of very funny sport for your whole body.
To do sports can make your body healthier and make you younger if you persevere in it. I think these are my best enjoyments in my life. What do you like the most to enjoy your life?
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I bought a new keyboard in this evening
February 07, 2005 at 20:32
How baffling it is! The trouble became serious that I must restart my computer in 5 minutes to use the keyboard.
In this afternoon, this keyboard could't be controlled any more. This evening, I went to a computer shopping with my keyboard. I didn't know my keyboard was broken, I thought perhaps there's some trouble with my PS/2 of mainboard, so I wanted to buy a switch of PS/2 to USB.
I said to the seller to test my keyboard for me. Unfortunately, the keyboard was broken indeed. Then I bought a new keyboard.
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Wearing the blue coat is hot for thought
February 07, 2005 at 15:45
The seller is a girl. I tried to put on the blue coat. She asked me, "It's handsome for you. How do you feel?" I agreed, I also thought it was handsome. But I really felt hot. I said "I'm just feeling hot." She said, "When you're wearing this coat, now you are wearing a second clothes again, so you feel hot." I thought she was good at eloquence. Actually, I felt the cloth of coat is not so ventilate.
Then I wanted to choose others. She gave me another double price coat to try, then she asked me how was this? I said, very good. She point me the other coats that price is like this very good one. she asked me how were these, I said, "All of them are nice." But I thought it was expensive. After choise several clothes, I decided to buy the blue coat which I first tried.
I went home, I thought, as a customer, how to buy? As a seller, how to sell? One of the best answers is with pleasure to buy or sell. There were two wonderful sentences today:
She said "When you're wearing this coat, now you are wearing a second clothes again, so you feel hot". I didn't say anything to disagree with her. So she also deferenced me.
I said "All of them are nice". To be approbated is so glad for anyone. So when you approbate others indeed, they will be very pleased.
Yes, it's important to be with pleasure and to deference other per people. If you deference him, he also deferences you. Don't say the disadvantages directly as possible if you don't want it when you go shopping. If you wanted it, you could say something actual.
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