January 10, 2010 at 07:17
So it saved a delicated IP, from now on if I change the provider of hosting, I may just buy a delicated IP, and need not buy 2 delicated IPs. My approach is that the sub domains and pan-domains point to this delicated IP, the control panel of site need not any setting, at the root directory of the corresponding space of this delicated IP, create a index.php file, use this PHP file to read the Address Bar, then use the include() function to include the homepage file of the corresponding sub domain or pan-domain. The prior order of include() is that judge whether the homepage file exists, if exists, it will include the homepage file of sub domain; if does not exist, it will include the homepage file of pan-domain.
All of the inner pages of this delicated IP, just can use the 404 Error of .htaccess to realise. Create a .htaccess file at the root directory of this delicated IP's space, let the 404 error point to the auf.php. As the same steps above, the error page auf.php also write the judgment sentence, use the include() function to include the inner page of the corresponding sub domain or pan-domain, the prior order and judgement method are same with above.
Employ this delicated IP to create many sites, such as the resolution of sub domain or pan-domain, these many sites are integrated together, can not realise all kinds of function as the delicated site. If need realise the functions of delicated site, you may use other approach, such as submit the functions to the delicated site to run, or create a sub domain or pan-domain on this delicated IP, make it can perform the corresponding function.
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Judge that does a long-range file exist in PHP
December 17, 2009 at 21:35
if (strpos($j,"200")) echo "Exist";?>
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How to call the Confederation of Planets and the high evolving beings of alien/pray/make a wish
December 11, 2009 at 00:07
Realize and believe the existence of Confederation of Planets and the high evolving beings of alien, probably at least it needs half a year. All of the people's curriculums had beed finished dozens of thousand years ago at least. Currently the earth is in the repeated cycle of the 3rd density, the earth will be faced with the choice between the 3rd density and the 4th density. What is the 4th density? Please view http://www.auiou.com/relevant/00000502.jsp.
The 4th density human will be nimbler than the present 3rd density human, the wishes may come true for a short time. Before Jesus was born, the was in the epilogue of the 4th density. The cycle of the 4th density society is 30 million years, that means the evolving degree before Jesus was born in the earth, is more evolutional at least for 30 million years. After Jesus was born in the earth, became a 3rd density person, there are no many differences with everyman.
Jesus's task is to help people enhance the consciousness, set the people free from the difficult work. You need not work difficultly day after day, once you come the 4th density, you will not be baffling because of material, it will not be lacking forever, all of your ideal will realise. Your task of life turn to help others, love and understanding, you will volunteer to choose the new work.
The sorrow in reality, because the people can not believe the truth of love, try hard to struggle in the limited source, work hard. And there were so many people choose to lie, or went to the negative defraud, made the action of harming the benefits of others. The negative thinking, slows the development of society, increase the common karma.
Just in the material world, people enable to hide and lie. As well the 3rd density may develop the ability of telepathy, all of the 4th density human, have the ability of telepathy. In these high cultures, the thoughts of everyone are visible, can not hide and lie. The language will be replaced by telepathy, because the language always distort the intentions of everyone, the same sentence, will be another meaning by another person's understanding. And the telepathy resolves the hurdle of exchange of different countries, different languages.
The earth will be faced with the choice between the 3rd density and the 4th density several years latter. If the earth does not advance, it will repeat a cycle of the 3rd density, a cycle of the 3rd density is 25 thousand years.
This article first posted in my Blog http://www.auiou.com/relevant/00000514.jsp
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Use Apache as the local virtual hosting to preview the Blog
October 12, 2009 at 22:08
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot F:/site
Follow suit, if I want to use http://ww2.auciou.com to browse and test my Blog, copy the 4 lines of code as above, then change the values of ServerName in Line 2, and DocumentRoot in Line 3. The codes after change is as below:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName ww2.auciou.com
DocumentRoot F:/site/auciou
Then restart Apache, as well you may create many virtual hostings at local.
Open the file of C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, write a line as below: ww2.auciou.com
Then you may use Apache as the local virtual hosting to preview your own Blog, as the photo below:
The simple and convenient installation of Apache and PHP, please view this article which was written by me http://www.auciou.com/peace/78. All of my present development environments, are based on this background of Apache and PHP, need not to reinstall Apache and PHP after reinstall the system.
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Create the development environment of Apache
October 09, 2009 at 00:25
Take the article before, for instance, all the same, the system is Win XP, create the folder D:\server:
Apache extracts at D:\server\apache;
PHP 5 extracts at D:\server\php5.
All of the settings below, we will change the file D:\server\apache\conf\httpd.conf, please open this file by a text tool.
The approach of creating a virtual hosting: write the codes as below at any position in the httpd.conf file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName ww2.auciou.com
DocumentRoot F:/site/auciou
Commentary: the third line DocumentRoot F:/site/auciou, is the path of my blog in the local harddisk. Then open this file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, write a line as below: ww2.auciou.com
The virtual hosting have been set up, restart Apache, then you may use http://ww2.auciou.com to visit the local sites. To set for many virtual hostings, are the same steps. (In addition, if you use IIS for a few, you may use the Port 80 for Apache and PHP, IIS uses the Port 50 or others.)
At last, restart Apache.
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Reinstall Apache and PHP for one step
October 08, 2009 at 06:41
The development environment of this article is Win XP. While the PHP runs with IIS, it is very slow. Run PHP with Apache, the speed will be faster for much. MiniApache ( is a simplified Apache, it is just 308 K. As the introduction said, the functions that used frequently are not reduced.
After I installed and tested for many times, I've known well this installation of MiniApache. In order to avoid reinstalling Apache and PHP after reinstalling the system, please install them in the Disk D, for example, I install at D:\server. Create the development environmen of yourself first, the steps of installation are:
PHPIniDir D:/server/php5
LoadModule php5_module D:/server/php5/php5apache2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Explanation: the second line is "Load Module", if without the third line, PHP cannot run, it just can display the HTML page.
DirectoryIndex index.html this line is the default document of the directory, change to DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
Hereafer, after reinstall the system, just double click D:\server\apache\setup.cmd, choose 1, Enter, install, Apache and PHP will be installed for just one step.
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The elements of program of preventing the spam and closing IP
October 04, 2009 at 06:11
The elements of program of preventing is as below, this program is written in the common module such as judge.php, this file is includeed by the other files with the include() function.
<?$te=30; //You could set this value for the time which just can post for one time in 30 seconds, if omit $te=30;, the default value is 60.
if (!$te) $te=60;
if ($t9-$_COOKIE[te]<$te) $kx.="The time between you post for 2 times should be more than ".$te." seconds, please post ".$te." seconds later.";
if ($kx) {……} //Take error to the poster, and the program will not run.
Then write Cookies in post.php, as below:
<?if (!$kx) setcookie("te",$t9,$t9+$te,"/");?>
The program of closing IP is below:
$i=…… //$i was the IP list which reed from the database, such as the value of $i is ",", many IPs are spaced out by comma, this value can be revised in the background of site. Because the configurations of background of site are different, this article will not explain the program which how to revise this value, please write the program by yourself. Because the program below uses the strpos() function, not uses the circle program to judge that whether the IP of user exists in the $i value, you may set for many IPs which you want to close, several hundred IPs will not affect the efficiency of program for much. While the user-side write the Cookies, the user's IP is closed completely, you may delete all the value of $i.
$h="Your IP is closed.";
if ($j) $kx.=$h;
elseif (strpos($i,$ip)!==false){$kx.=$h;
if (!$j) setcookie("pe","50",time()+86400*9,"/");}
if ($kx) {……} //Take error to the poster, and the program will not run.
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How to close the visit log of ixwebhosting
September 28, 2009 at 03:42
I had closed the transfer log of my sites, and function of statistics, the visit log files are remaining growing. Today I asked the Live Chat of ixwebhosting, in the web options of ixwebhosting, after closed the transfer log, you need to click "Apply", it may take effect in 10 minute. The steps are:
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September 27, 2009 at 04:26
Happy Wedding! I wish you have a happy life!
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Make an easy Audio/Video converter
September 24, 2009 at 10:49
![]() |
![]() |
The elementary diagram:
![]() |
How to use?
Connect this parallel plug with an Audio/Video line of 3 lines, equalizing to make an extension line of Audio/Video. Everyday when you convert the Audio/Video sources, as the elementary diagram shows above, just pull out the left plug, then connect to another Audio/Video source, it will be converted. The profit is, when changing the Audio/Video source, you needn't to directly pull out the Audio/Video socket on the television or sound box, not only convenient, but also preventing that the cold solder happens on the circuit board, because of insert and pulling out frequently and continually.
The yellow plug is video, the red plug is right mono, the white plug is left mono, The connection photo of this parallel plug is below:
![]() |
You may buy a parallel plug and an Audio/Video line for an Audio/Video equipment. If you have several Audio/Video equipments, you may buy several parallel plugs and Audio/Video lines. It is cheaper than buying the "4 groups of Audio/Video converter" in the marketplace. This method is good as long as you are diligent in moving hands.
Note: You should connect correctly, if you pull out the right side of the parallel plug "Fixup forever", and if both of the 2 sides are Audio/Video source, It may destroy some Audio/Video equipments.
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Every day is the curriculum in life
September 23, 2009 at 22:12
It's not easy, to provide the information at the appropriate time. Sometimes, even though you know the answer, you can't directly say the answer which you think it is the true answer. Sometimes, we just can use the method that others can't gainsay. Certainly, I had said the true answer for one time yet. I also know that someone will agree, this is resonance. There is no pity as long as we had said the sincere words, frank words.
The principle of something is simple, just need a true answer. If you want to know the true answer sincerely, you may know soon, I also ever had some experiences of this.
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September 22, 2009 at 03:11
![]() |
The elementary diagram:
![]() |
How to use?
Connect this parallel plug with a double audio line, equalizing to make an extension line of audio. Everyday when you convert the audio sources, as the elementary diagram shows above, just pull out the left plug, then connect to another audio source, it will be converted. The profit is, when changing the audio source, you needn't to directly pull out the audio socket on the sound box, not only convenient, but also preventing that the cold solder happens on the circuit board, because of insert and pulling out frequently and continually.
The connection photo of this parallel plug is below:
![]() |
You may buy a parallel plug and an audio line for a sound box. If you have several sounders, you may buy several parallel plugs and audio lines. It is cheaper than buying the "Audio converter", "Audio/Video converter" in the marketplace. This way is good as long as you are diligent in moving hands.
Note: You should connect correctly, if you pull out the right side of the parallel plug "Fixup forever", and if both of the 2 sides are audio source, It may destroy some audio equipments.
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This Blog had been newly regulated
September 16, 2009 at 11:10
The programs between auciou.com and auiou.com were different. Several days ago I had newly written and revised the program of auciou.com, many were new programs wihch were written by me. And there are the programs of Trackback and URL approved need to be disposaled, now I had written the program of avoid-spam for this Blog.
This time I moved the space to ixwebhosting, after the test, it was satisfying. The rate was fast when visited by CNC, between 250 ms and 300 ms and more. Visited by China Telecom, the rate was slower than the space of GoDaddy.
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Change the movie's display of 16:9 to 4:3
September 15, 2009 at 03:59
Or like that:
There are 2 black spaces above and under the screen display of movie. If you want to remove the 2 black spaces, you may use the player "MYMPC", the official site is http://www.mympc.com.cn. You may download this software at http://dl.mympc.com.cn/file/mympcsetup.exe
Press "9" in the Numpad (Numpad 9) to zooom in till the proper size you want. You may press "1" to zoom out, press "5" to reset.
Then the display will become the full screen:
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April 11, 2009 at 12:27
<?header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");?>
Then you may find a RSS of other's for reference. Example: http://www.aufor.com/feed/ (The real path is http://www.aufor.com/feed/index.php)
Chinese for this article http://www.auiou.com/relevant/00000469.jsp
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December 29, 2008 at 00:51
After read the real stories and life of the alien planets of advanced being, my mind become more cleaner, it gives us a better aim of life on our planet.
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December 24, 2008 at 13:19
I recalled these my past times in life, I liked to find the essences of things, I also liked others is so. In my life, I often felt alone, to be distant, and baffling. When I was born, my entity knowed the condition of society, he knowed the desolation and karma, he came here all the same, because he wanted to give solutions for this group to resolve the difficulties, he loved this group. He found some mistakes from the old theories, he tried to correct them. He had the experiences of leaping areas and leaping platforms, he often saw the reason and essence of becasue of different areas, different relationship circles, different fields, those caused the confusion and distortions. He was thirst for giving a solution for the paradoxes, he tried hardly. He knowed, to open out some facts, can serve others better.
After many frustrations of serving others in my life, I knowed again and again, the wanderers couldn't help the peoples who hadn't awake for much. The condition of the races become unkind, they aggressed the kind people who gave a kind aid of something about awaking. So wanderers' mission is to advance the ingenerate dimension of ours, and be careful of the information we post or talk about so that "the Law of Free Will of others" won't be violated.
Merry Christmas!
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November 26, 2008 at 23:27
And today, the community of one of our local regions of city had started, I had told my friends and invited them to pay attention to this community. Cheers! Thanks, older brother Gao.
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November 24, 2008 at 21:36
It's not surprising. Because the time does not exist, if we wish, we can get the information of future, present, and past from the universe via various methods. And there were so many entities of different densities from the other planets transfered the information to us via the channeling.
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November 04, 2008 at 23:20
So when I felt the resistance, I thought I'd better remove that place, or remove that topic what we were talking about, because it would have no answer after continued that topic. So sometimes we should just research by ourselves, if there is an appropriate opportunity, share the truth/facts with the friends who you will think they may understand you, agree with you and bless you.
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November 02, 2008 at 14:49
The design which can be used again and again, and can be focused on, that is a living design.
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November 01, 2008 at 20:06
This is so interesting, my baby is growing, today is the 55th day since she was born, today she slept well. 5 or 6 days later, she will be 2 months old.
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November 01, 2008 at 15:00
The 8th day since Xin was born, taked on 2008-09-15. This photo looks like almost the same with when she was born, the changes are not very obvious. The primary several days when she was born, I was busy, so I didn't take pictures for her.
The 48th day since she was born, became fat already, taked on 2008-10-25. This photo, I have saved as my desktop of computer.
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The 49th day since she was born, taked on 2008-10-25. Her skin of face is very white, because this picture was taken in the evening, the color of skin looks darker.
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The 52ed day since she was born, taked on 2008-10-29. As the left photo, she likes crushing one eye, and openning the mouse.
Very pretty! Your father and mother will love you for ever!
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May 08, 2007 at 22:20
Is belief a secret? If some of my friends have no belief, probably they will disagree with me. Because of this reason, probably I should not publish my belief. But if I don't publish, you may not know the real me.
My belief is Buddhism. Why dose Buddhism think every being is equal? Because every being has soul. Soul is consciousness. The soul can be very large, can be very small, can be very far, and can be very near.
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May 05, 2007 at 23:19
My younger brother and my father appeared to like the Cichlasoma Sp, I wish them will have a big Cichlasoma Sp soon.
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May 03, 2007 at 09:56
"Conversations with God", God answered us many questions which we care about, you can find the best answers from these conversations.
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May 02, 2007 at 22:22
To imagine the appearance also can exercise your imagination. The imagination is important for your speaking, and creativity of every work, such as design, strategy, writing, etc.
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April 22, 2007 at 19:09
Because there is a big philosophy concept in my heart, I think I can change my thoughtway if I wish after my practice. Sometimes, business is really like a game. I'll pay attention to my clients.
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April 20, 2007 at 17:36
I wrote Chinese blog since September 2005, my new Chinese blog www.auiou.com established on May 31, 2006. Blog is the best discuss platform, it can keep our opinions, and thoughts, suggestions, it also can deepen our thoughts, and empolder our ideas.
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Augest 29, 2005 at 13:32
Happy birthday!
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Recent articles:
My Go Daddy hosting is fast
Create a house with your spouse on the interest
Pending time which add a domain of hosting, was more than 36 hours
Diary: 2010-01-15
Many Linux hostings do not support the mod_expires module
Figured out, there is still a way
About the delicated IP of IXWebHosting
About the QUERY_STRING parameter of URL
About the ping value and speed of site
The relation between program and .htaccess file
Saved a delicated IP
Judge that does a long-range file exist in PHP
How to call the Confederation of Planets and the high evolving beings of alien/pray/make a wish
Use Apache as the local virtual hosting to preview the Blog
Create the development environment of Apache
Reinstall Apache and PHP for one step
The elements of program of preventing the spam and closing IP
How to close the visit log of ixwebhosting
Happy Wedding to a friend
Make an easy Audio/Video converter