Augest 29, 2005 at 11:38
The PHP program:
for ($i=1; $i<=1000000; $i++){
echo "$i, ";}
The ASP program:
for i=1 to 1000000
response.write i&", "
On this test, I wanted it to print the numbers until one million. The test result: PHP program couldn't finish that just could print until 328125 and tell me "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in F:\cww\php\re.php on line 3", it spent me 31 seconds; but ASP program could be finished, it spent me 18 seconds.
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View the Last updated date of the other site's page
Augest 12, 2005 at 19:03
Input the site that you'd like to scan, such as, the results:
This page was updated on 7/12/2005 2:05:32 AM (27 days ago).
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Another simpler way to close the same windows
Augest 08, 2005 at 19:54
Press "Ctrl+Alt+Delete", the Window Task Manager will be opened. Then click one of the font names on the Window Task Manager, keep the "Shift" key, and press the "↓"(down) or up orientation key on the keyboard. Press "Delete" or click "End Task". Like this below:
The same windows will be closed at once.
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Send many photo files in your e-mail
Augest 02, 2005 at 15:21
Then send this "" to others.
How does he open this file? He need to install the Winzip. Then Double-click this file, click "Extract".
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How to clean the screen of display
July 25, 2005 at 19:53
Not only the popular LCD(Liquid crystal display), CRT(Cathode-Ray Tube), or the old display, you can clean it in the way which like cleaning the CD. The surface stuff of the display is easy to be nicked by hard things, if you use the bumf or dry cloth to clean it, there will be many nicks on the screen, this is not a good habit.
The right way to clean the display:
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Normal measure of photos that shot by camera
July 18, 2005 at 13:49
1. What's your Screen Resolution of display? The most popular is 1024×768, 800×600, 1280×1024. But none is 2056×1536.
2. The measure like "2056×1536" of the photo is extremely unnecessary. Probably a new photo in your camera will spend you more than 1 or 2 MB space of your memory card. 1024×768 will spend 25% space of "2056×1536" measure.
3. Many people thought, if the primal measure of the photo was 2056×1536, then change to 1024×768, it should be clearer than what if the primal measure of the photo was 1024×768. It was wrong.
In truth, the primal measure "1024×768" is clearer than "2056×1536" change to "1024×768". You can make a test personally.
So I thought, the measure of Screen Resolution is the normal measure for your photos. Such as 1024×768, 1280×1024.
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July 12, 2005 at 13:21
I thought the suggestions should be helpful for the managers, but sometimes the managers disagreed with me. One of the reasons was because they had tried in this way, they felt it was not so necessary. Our opinions are different Because our attentions are different.
However, it was helpful for everyone all the same.
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The relationships can't be improved when discuss
July 03, 2005 at 16:45
We also discussed on the internet, probably it was more professional.
No matter in which way we discussed with others, I felt that frequently the relationships that we and others probably can't be improved at all, and we might waste a lot of time. Instead of this, you can help your kins or friends. Probably he will be grateful for your help, and your relationships will be improved.
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An interesting flash game - strike penguins
July 02, 2005 at 18:01
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June 28, 2005 at 19:07
<!--#include file=***.asp--> |
The file's path just need relative path. And you needn't transform it to physical path. But I found that I couldn't write like this:
<!--#include file=<%=ame%>.asp-->
So I need a brighter idea in order to include the files from Request.QueryString such as <!--#include file=<%=Request.QueryString("ame")%>.asp-->.
Do you have a brighter idea? Now, I try to write like this, it can run successfully:
<%if ame=1 then%><!--#include file=file/1.asp-->
<%if ame=2 then%><!--#include file=file/2.asp-->
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A new mellow Cantonese song - "Love is the biggest droit"
June 15, 2005 at 10:05
It's very difficult to find a song that we love.
I first heard this song was on the Guangdong FM993 radio, in fact I was not so interesting in this song. I heard this song for the second time was on the internet, an internet female friend who was 21, in Guangzhou, she is SiSi BB. You also can click here to listen to this song of SiSi BB's. I felt very pretty, it seemed to be in the music hall, so I liked this song more and more. (SiSi BB posted in June 2005)
And another female member Baodou from Guangzhou also posted this music that sung by herself on July 8, 2005, You can click here to listen it, very moving and pretty!
Now, let's download it to try to listen to the primary singer. The links:
1. Love is the biggest droit MP3
2. The lyric of this song
If you can't download it, please search it:
3. Search in Google
4. Search in Baidu
5. Search in Sogua
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How to close the "Automatic Image Resizing" of IE
June 07, 2005 at 17:21
So as a visitor, I hope you can close the "Automatic Image Resizing" of IE. Then you can browse the right effect of the the photo that we showed.
As the picture above, open the "Internet Option→Advanced", Find the "Multimedia→Enable Automatic Image Resizing", take out the "√".
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Out of the back door of Imperial Palace in Beijing
June 03, 2005 at 16:29
This photo was shot on May 26th, 2005.
It's me.
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Keep your site as amused as possible
May 09, 2005 at 15:39
Someones were easily to say something disagreeable on the internet. Even wrote everything which disagreeable in his site. It's not necessary. Probably it will make your site disagreeable, and you will make your visitors tired.
So don't talk about something disagreeable in your site as possible. Fox example, barely I heard a song from my neighbor. But he listened to it and repeated it for many times, he always listened to this song, in truth this song is awful, such song will make people to be tired of popular music indeed. We need to choose the really fair-sounding popular music. But many people didn't want to choose by themselves in China. So they don't know what is popular music.
It's necessary to listen to a song for numerous times, such as 100 time, 300 times. But turn the volume down as possible, please.
It's disagreeable. It's just a real example, I hope that you don't mind if I've just mention it. So, keep your site as amused as possible, just talk about the happy topics.
I'm very glad that my visitors said to me "I'm very happy when visit your site". In our lives, we'd better to make others feel that "I'm happy when talk with you". It's very important, and you will have many good friends.
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Notice for business to shoot your products
May 08, 2005 at 16:25
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May 08, 2005 at 14:43
I had drunk all the coconut milk quickly this time, and ate its fresh. In order to not to forget this feeling and the life when I drunk the coconut, I shot for it.
I suggest you to share coconuts with your family and friends, it's the crude drink and not expensive, just 2 yuan in Shenzhen, you can drink the coconut milk through the tube. When you haven't had coconut for a long time and extremely need water and need vitamins, don't forget coconut! Probably you need it. It's just one of my suggestions for you to reference. I like coconut!
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Excellent mail template function of Foxmail
May 06, 2005 at 12:27
Foxmail is one of the best mail softwares. I like Foxmail prefer to Outlook, one of the reasons is because the mail template function is much better than outlook. You can make the HTML template for yourself, for example:
The HTML files is in the folder "C:\Program Files\Foxmail\Template\New" and "Template\Reply", you can directly edit these files. Or you can edit templates in the Foxmail "Templates Manager". Such as:
The way is not difficult. Open the "Templates Manager", click "New→New HTML Template", like the picture below:
Click the right mouse button on the blank place, choose "Macro", you can choose the text template that you need.
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April 28, 2005 at 14:04
That was laughable. In fact the book is mine. 4 monthes ago, I bought 10 books for one time. But there were some of them that I never read because I was busy, so when she showed it to me, I couldn't know this book at once and I reckoned it was hers.
So I joked with her and said, "You have an unassiduous husband."
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View hundreds of font files more quickly
April 23, 2005 at 15:47
There are 883 font files. If click and open every file then close it, it will spend much time. Now, select 20 files, then press "Enter" which on the keyboard. It can open 20 files for one time.
How to close these 20 files when you've viewed? Keep the "Ctrl", then click the window-bars on the taskbar. Click one of the window-bars with the right key of mouse, choose "Close Group".
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Nice sizes of pictures on the web page
April 21, 2005 at 18:04
My favorite picture sizes:
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AutoCopy of Firefox Extensions
April 19, 2005 at 17:02
Where to Find Extensions for Firefox?
Start the Firefox, click "Tools→Extensions→Get More Extensions". Then follow Wei-Meng Lee's article Using Extensions in Firefox. Here's Auto Copy - Firefox Extension.
But there was a mistake when installed it.
The newest version of Firefox is 1.0.1 or 1.0.2. Step 4 which in the article "Using Extensions in Firefox", at "Figure 4. Installing an extension", then click "Install Now". It can't be installed.
Eventually I downloaded the ".xpl" file. Started the Firefox, click "File→Open File→****.xpi(which I just downloaded)" in the menubars. It would be installed successfully.
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Do you remember the guestbook?
April 18, 2005 at 15:26
In 2002, I signed numbers for every comment. Fox example, No.1, No.2, No.3... No.1560, and so on. I also could derive pleasure from these numbers, it made my site's ambience well.
Now, I also founded a guestbook catalog for my Weblog, it's "Nice comments" catalog. The guestbook programs were written by me in ASP language, I had improved the programs strongly for 5 times. Once upon a time, you could reply for every comment in my guestbook, like O'Reilly Network, but now, I think it's not so necessary to open the function that every one can reply for every comment in my sites. So the Nice comments as you can see is a simple guestbook. I'll save all of my friends' comments, and change the database to HTML pages and make a Guestbook History catalog.
If you feel it necessary to improve this guestbook, I'll never stop improving it. Do you have a guestbook in your site? Or you had deleted, or you had other ways instead of the guestbook, or you needn't it?
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I often couldn't visit Google's search results because...
April 09, 2005 at 13:31
For example, on the picture above, the first result's real URL is "", but these 2 months, the links in google search results were like this, "". It was discommodious indeed! I often couldn't visit these search results, then I directly copied and pasted this real URL to the address-bar of the IE, it immediately could be visited. I hope that Google could restore as before about this that used the real URL links directly.
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A simple way to open many local photos
April 07, 2005 at 10:21
Now, you can found a new web page at local harddisk by FrontPage or Dreamweaver, I was used to write HTML source. You can insert these photos into this new web page, then save this web page file. The HTML source method is:
<img src="file:///D:/myphoto/****"><p>
<img src="file:///D:/myphoto/****"><p>
<img src="file:///D:/myphoto/****"><p>
<img src="file:///D:/myphoto/****"><p>
<img src="file:///D:/myphoto/****"><p>
<img src="file:///D:/myphoto/****"><p>
When you open this web page that you founded, all of the photos will be displayed on this page.
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I don't really want to change my mobile number
April 05, 2005 at 09:38
I have bought 3 mobile number cards ever. In 2001, I worked in Beijing, and in 2004, I went to Shantou, I reckoned I would work there, so I changed it as my second number and gave up the Beijing's number. 2 months later, I went to Shenzhen and would work in Shenzhen for a long time, then I changed it again. Now, my number is Shenzhen's.
Friends always told me don't change the mobile number card, I also wished not to change. Why can't the mobile number card change the card's city that needn't to change the number? Technically it can realize, but Chinamobile said, "Every number card has the city locus, we won't change the number datas." For example, 1391072**55 and 1391072**53 are all in Beijing, they won't change like this: 1391072**55 is Shenzhen's number, 1391072**53 is Tianjian's number.
In truth, to change the mobile number is very discommodious. But we have to do so.
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Why did I enjoy seeing films and travelling
April 01, 2005 at 12:45
I enjoyed travelling, because I loved the new environment, It was pleasure to go to a strange place that would enable me to find the new feeling.
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Take much better care of the clients
March 24, 2005 at 14:32
So take much better care of the clients' business cards, or shoot them with the digital camera into your computer in order to never lose them. Clients' business cards are very important!
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Because our attentions are different
March 22, 2005 at 08:05
In different times, the same one's positions may be different. Yes, our opinions were always variational and developmental.
The second thing I'd like to talk, frequently someone talked to others, but you were not so interested in what he said. So you couldn't feel pleased.
The third thing, if someone gives you a mission or do it to help him, perhaps he is always going to pay attention to you when you haven't completed. Probably you have other businesses to do, so you haven't finised the work for your friend all the same. Then he calls and asks you, have you finished? You can feel the pressure of work, but he can't really feel.
The last example, if you feed the pretty fishes by yourself, perhaps you are going to look and enjoy them time and again. You love them indeed. But probably others don't look and enjoy them, Because your attentions are different.
So we should usually consider others as them.
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The music can't be listened if it's not boughten
March 20, 2005 at 14:09
There was a sentence in China thousands years ago: "The book can't be read if it's not borrowed from others". Now, we can say "The music can't be listened if it's not boughten". Why? If the book is borrowed from your friend, you need to give it to him back as soon as possible, so you will cherish the time to read the book. If the book is boughten, perhaps will not cherish the time to read it.
If the music was borrowed from your friend, perhaps you never know the value of this CD. When you bought a CD, you could feel glad indeed, at the very least, you can know the value of the disk. When go back home, probably you will protect it seriously. Certainly, you will listen to it seriously.
This is one of the genuine reasons that they don't listen to the music in their life.
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March 15, 2005 at 17:37
I like reciting English articles on the bus in order to cherish the time. I derived much pleasure from recitations. So I can study more things in the same year. Time is very valuable!
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