January 29, 2011 at 17:19
Here are some sites of mine for test:
http://www.auciou.com (Go Daddy)
http://www.auiou.com (Go Daddy)
http://www.emxel.com (IX Web Hosting, this hosting will expire)
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Create a house with your spouse on the interest
January 21, 2011 at 05:47
The new main functions of Orcou are Create a New Forum, the forum page, Delete, Invite a partner, Unchain the current partner, etc.
This kind of forum is for 2 persons. This means it's a private forum, it just can be visited by 2 persons, you may invite your spouse or your real lover (if you are unmarried). This forum is your house on the interest, it can help you keep the memories for your future, you may communicate with your spouse clearly on this forum. You may register and try it, how to create this 2 persons' forum?
1. Register at http://e.orcou.com/m/user/register/
2. Create a New Forum http://e.orcou.com/m/create/
3. Visit your forum, you will get the invitation link at your forum's top, send this invitation link to your partner.
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Pending time which add a domain of hosting, was more than 36 hours
December 11, 2010 at 21:11
And 2 days ago, this same issue occurred in my hosting. I added a domain more than 36 hours ago, It still displays "Pending" now.
Sometimes the pending time was too long, and usually the peding time was about 10 minutes. Are the domains of hosting approved by person, if yes, probably the reason was that the managers of Go Daddy rested at the weekend, so the pending time was too long.
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January 15, 2010 at 21:35
After the tests, finally there was a helpless way instead, create a .htaccess file in the picture folder, may use the 404 error or Rewrite module. Make the 404 error or Rewrite point to a file auf.php, set the expiring time in this auf.php and use header("Expires:"), intercept the picture's file name from the Address Bar as $a1, use include() function to include the picture file, as include($a1). So, the include() function of PHP is powerful.
The long-range picture also can use file_get_contents() function to invoke, write in the auf.php, also can set the expiring time of long-range picture, so the function of PHP is powerful.
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Many Linux hostings do not support the mod_expires module
January 15, 2010 at 21:03
My Linux space of IXWebHosting, the free hostings which GoDaddy presented to me, and a domestic Linux space, all of them do not support the mod_expires module. At present, the newer version of Apache is 2.2.*, such as 2.2.14, this version contains the mod_expires module, but the default does not turn on this module, in the default httpd.conf file, there is a # symbol before the sentence which loads the mod_expires module. But the Linux hosting of GoDaddy, use the Apache 1.3 version all the same.
I posted an Email to GoDaddy yesterday, hope to turn on the mod_expires module, I've just received the reply of GoDaddy, they said that they do not want to turn on this module now, maybe this clerk did not know the important action of the mod_expires module. It seems that if need use the mod_expires module, just can use the others hosting of provider, or VPS.
I've downloaded the Apache 2.2.14 version, tested on the local computer, the mod_expires module can be used normally.
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Figured out, there is still a way
January 15, 2010 at 04:51
The fee of the primary domain aaa.com will be renewed all the same, until the Local Area Network ends. The Local Area Network is impossibly eternal, because it violates the morality and justice, it will be temporary. If you have many Blogs or sites, also may parse by the sub domain of that domain bbb.com, for domestic compatriots to visit, so as long as register a temporary doman. Because bbb.com is a temporary domain, when this domain is hung, may change to ccc.com.
The Blog will not be dead, this rock may finally put down. The Blog can survive, more important than anything else.
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About the delicated IP of IXWebHosting
January 13, 2010 at 20:12
Apache creates a virtual hosting, that's to say creates a delicated site, the theory is that must create in the httpd.conf file. While the delicated IPs of IXWebHosting are used up, while create a domain it will use the shared IP. But the delicated IP of GoDaddy, all of the domains which were created, can use this delicated IP. If every site which were created in IXWebHosting, all of them can share this delicated IP, it will be perfect.
A delicated IP of IXWebHosting can just create a delicated site, made a very big waste; a delicated IP of GoDaddy can create unlimited delicated sites. That means, if the shared IP of IXWebHosting is blocked by China, these 3 plans of hosting can just create 2, or 3, or 15 sites. So, these is no advantage of the delicated IP of IXWebHosting for the users in China.
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About the QUERY_STRING parameter of URL
January 13, 2010 at 04:56
The query parameters may reduce largely, such as the documents of Blog and forum. In a site, the approach of differentiating 2 articles is that as the URL above, article.asp?id=52 or article.php?id=495, differentiate by the ?id=. All of the other parameters, may write in the database or Cookies. Because Apache provides the .htaccess, the URL may use the Rewrite module or 404 error, realise that the URL becomes static. The query parameters may write in the database or Cookies, many necessary parameters write on the Address Bar by the connective symbols / or -.
For the immovable links of documents, you may reduce the QUERY_STRING parameters as possible. For the active URLs of search or query which submited by the users, the QUERY_STRING parameters may write on the Address Bar.
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About the ping value and speed of site
January 11, 2010 at 21:41
The ping values of my 2 spaces in the USA are about 250 ms, and about 280 ms, after many tests, the distinction between 250 ms and 280 ms is obvious. The speed of 250 ms, is almost the same as the domestic speed. The speed of 280 ms, is little slower, about 0.1 to 0.2 second.
So, the ping value is really a factor which decides the speed of site.
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The relation between program and .htaccess file
January 10, 2010 at 21:59
The functions of .htaccess file which provides by Apache, may realise the special functions, such as make every files invoke the Rewrite module, mod_expires module, every folder appoints the 404 error page, etc.. These are PHP, JSP, Perl and the other none of any language of program may realise directly, because the .htaccess file just realises the functions of server configuration. Whereas, if need the more complicated judgement, the .htaccess file will need to cooperate with the program. As the previous example, http://www.auciou.com/peace/83, use the .htaccess file to combine with PHP program, the .htaccess file appoints the 404 error page, it selects many 404 error page via the judgement of PHP program.
All of the programs which use the Apache as the server background, such as PHP, may use the .htaccess file. ASP+IIS, or PHP+IIS, can not realise the functions of .htaccess file, because IIS does not support the .htaccess file.
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